Splash™ Animal Shaped Litter Bin
Precio sin IVA*, con costo de transporte** :
* Precio no incluido el Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido.
** Para entregas en direcciones en la Península Ibérica,
el costo de transporte corre a cargo de Glasdon Europe.
For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +966 54 990 0540 or e-mail: info@wasteandrecyclingsolutions.com.
For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +966 54 990 0540 or e-mail: info@wasteandrecyclingsolutions.com.
Splash litter bin will help to encourage young children to deposit litter correctly.
Design Features
- Concealed door catches.
- Zinc-coated steel liner.
- Splash Wants Your Litter Please' logo.
Bin body: Dolphin Blue.
Door panel: Ivory.
Bin body: Durapol®
Metal liner: Zinc-coated steel
Moulded plastic liner: Polyethylene
Bin volume: 100 litres
Liner capacity: 85 litres
Maximum height: 1180mm
Maximum width: 745mm
Maximum depth: 915mm
Weight: 23.6kg (with steel liner)