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Integro City™ Cigarette/Litter Bin

Integro City™ Cigarette/Litter Bin

Precio sin IVA*, con costo de transporte** :

* Precio no incluido el Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido.

** Para entregas en direcciones en la Península Ibérica,
el costo de transporte corre a cargo de Glasdon Europe.

For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +966 54 990 0540 or e-mail:

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For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +966 54 990 0540 or e-mail:

Made in the UK   Made in the UK   

Integro City Cigarette/Litter Bin is a streamlined litter bin with large integral cigarette disposal.

Design Features

  • Front-opening door with keyed lift-and-lock mechanism.
  • 5ltr metal ash liner with stainless steel ash grille.
  • Compact footprint makes best use of available pavement space.
  • Cigarette and litter graphics.


Colours: Black, Dark Grey, Millstone.


Bin body & door: Durapol® Material

Ash grille: Stainless steel

Litter and ash liners: Zinc-coated steel

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